Professional day at the St. Gellert Forum

Since the arrival of Gábor Herczeg in the summer, the Szeged-Csanád Grosics Academy has been experiencing a vibrant professional life. For the ninth time, our youth leader held professional training for coaching colleagues working in youth. This occasion was co-hosted with Levente Szántai, a psychologist at our academy. The topic of the presentation was the development of the independence of our players.

Gábor Herczeg highlighted the importance of perception and decision-making, and then our psychologist shared his remarks on the field of self-control and self-reflection with the coaches present. Finally, the two professionals closed the event together by presenting an individual player profile that promotes ownership and development.

– - This is the ninth time that it is an essential part of our professional series. The starting point is to look at football globally, which is a continuous chain of perception, decision, execution. While we coaches keep this in mind during training and matches, it is also important that players are able to perform on the football field in the best possible quality. A player-centric coaching philosophy is essential for this, which is greatly facilitated by the proper self-knowledge of the coaches - our professional leader is formulated. – fogalmazott utánpótlás szakmai vezetőnk.

Levente Szántai gave an interactive lecture for the third time at the trainings since the summer.

– I am glad that Gábor also considers the psychological development of our coaches important. In order for coaching colleagues to be able to support the ownership of their players, it is worthwhile to be aware of the values ​​they have received from their own coaches as young players. Proper self-knowledge thus helps them to authentically convey their own coaching philosophy - a psychologist at our academy shared his thoughts.


Filed under: Post, Professional presentations