Educational lectures

The norms and the hidden, informal structure of a group The norms and the hidden, informal structure of a group

During an interactive lecture, we talk about the hidden and open norms of a group and I mention examples about how can certain norms destroy the group performance. Beside this, I speak the hidden structure of a group, how can a popular or a lonely member be recognised and based on psychological results how can a harmonious be created and maintained. My aim is to give the participants a more detailed view into the processes below the surface, be it a group at school or in team sports.

The improvement of the sense of responsibility and development-aimed attitude in the case of professional athletes The improvement of the sense of responsibility and development-aimed attitude in the case of professional athletes

During an interactive lecture, I show the training program for improving the sense of responsibility, which was created and applied in practice by myself. Moreover, I speak the opportunities to apply this training program in the case of professional teams. After revealing the sense of responsibility in the level of an individual, a team and a club and the attitude of a group, there is an opportunity to create a group personalized training program. The process of this and the examples of the three responsibility levels and the development-based attitude are also mentioned during the lecture.

The importance of the cognitive functions in professional sport The importance of the cognitive functions in professional sport

During an interactive lecture, I speak about cognitive functions and the measuring opportunities of them, which are inevitable to be succesful in professional sports. The reaction time, the process of orientation and visual perception are also mentioned. Besides, the importance of decision-makings, stress tolerancia and intelligance also come out. How can the cognitive functions of high-profile athletes be characterized? How can these cognitive functions be improved in practice? Which modern device are able to measure the cognitive functions? These can be the central topics of the lecture.

How can a parent help his/her child to become a football player? How can a parent help his/her child to become a football player?

In this interactive lecture series, we are dealing with topics, that can be sensitive to a parent in the process of his/her child becoming a football player. How can the newer and newer achievements of the modern society be put in the service of sport performance? What behaviour norms are neccesary to acquire and practice for a parent, if he/she decides to participate in the trainings or matches of his/her child? Why is the effective communication between a parent and the coach neccesary and in what ways can it happen in the interests of effective working and keeping the healthy borders? Topics of this kind will appear from lecture to lecture with the help of Szeged-Csanád Grosics Akadémia.

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